When it comes to oral health, there are always many questions. Here are the answers to the top 8 most commonly asked oral health questions:
How often do teeth need to be cleaned by a professional?
Brushing teeth is recommended twice daily and flossing once daily. Getting the teeth professionally cleaned by your Dentist or Hygienist is also very important. It is suggested to get teeth cleaned professionally every six months to once a year; this depends on how well you are doing at home with your brushing and flossing.
What sort of brush should I use for brushing my teeth?
Various types of brushes are available today. Whichever brush you select, it must have soft bristles, and rounded shape is best. Soft bristles ensure that teeth enamel is not damaged by harsh brushing.
Should I use waxed or unwaxed dental floss?
It really doesn’t matter what type of floss you use. The thing that matters is using it in the right way. When you floss correctly, all the food particles that cannot be removed by your toothbrush will be removed with the floss.
Can I use an electric brush to clean my teeth?
Studies have revealed that electric brushes are more effective at cleaning teeth than manual ones. But did you know that the incorrect use of electric brushes can lead to more severe root wear of the teeth? Please ask us at your next visit if you are not sure.
Do bleaching products work?
Bleaching products do work. However, before you think of using any of them, it is recommended that you consult your dentist. He will recommend the right brand to use and make sure no existing issues are going on prior to commencing whitening, which will be perfect for your oral health too.
Will bleaching be harmful?
Use of the right product should not be harmful. Again, consult your dentist for the best advice.
How long do veneers and crowns last?
Veneers and crowns can last for up to fifteen years. Both are made from strong material but they can still be damaged and damage can decrease their lifespan. Regular check-ups with your dentist and hygienist are recommended to optimise the lifespan of your veneers and crowns.
How often do I need to visit the dentist?
It is recommended that you see your dentist at least twice a year. You can discuss your oral health and seek tips to ensure healthy teeth.
Contact our friendly staff today to make a booking.